Dear Nature

Lesson Overview

Sitting quietly in nature has many benefits and is an excellent way to learn the art of observation. In this lesson, students will find a spot to sit and discover what they see, hear, smell, and feel before composing a “Dear Nature” letter.

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  • Notebook or journal
  • Paper for letter writing
  • Pens, pencils, crayons, markers, etc.

Optional: Dear Nature instructional video, Dear Nature activity guide



K-ESS3-3 Communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air, and/or other living things in the local environment.

5-LS2-1 Develop a model to describe the movement of matter among plants, animals, decomposers, and the environment.

HS-LS2-6 Evaluate the claims, evidence, and reasoning that the complex interactions in ecosystems maintain relatively consistent numbers and types of organisms in stable conditions, but changing conditions may result in a new ecosystem.


Oregon Social Science Standards: Geography

5.11 Describe how physical, human and political features influence events, movements, and adaptation to the environment.

5.12 Describe how technological developments, societal decisions, and personal practices affect sustainability in the United States.

5.13 Describe how natural and human-made events in one place affect people in other places.

6.16 Explain how technological developments, societal decisions, and personal practices influence sustainability.

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