Winter Scavenger Hunt

Lesson Overview

This activity fosters students’ sense of curiosity and can be done indoors, outdoors, or a combination of the two. In this lesson, students will view a virtual presentation, then bring an activity sheet outdoors for a scavenger hunt; looking for a variety of natural objects that can be found and studied during the winter, such as evergreen plants, deciduous tree and shrub twigs, different types of lichen, and animal tracks. As a bonus activity, students are encouraged to develop an inquiry question to answer while making observations outdoors.

As a bonus activity, students are encouraged to develop an inquiry question to answer while making observations outdoors. Designed for students of all ages.

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  • Virtual Scavenger Hunt Presentation
  • Activity Sheet (printed or digital)
  • Pencil

Optional: Coloring supplies

2-LS4-1 Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity. Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats

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